As bands of brilliant oranges and yellows break through the dark, ominous clouds, an oxherd silently and resiliently makes his way up the rugged, precipitous mountains. These large expenses of flame-coloured ink clouds and the majestic Mount Taihang dwarf all human presence and yet, the tranquil figure trudges up the steep, rocky faces tenaciously, tirelessly tending to his oxen.
As we welcome the Year of the Ox, we also reflect and commemorate our achievements and milestones along the way as it reminds us of why we do what we do in the first place. The conversations we’ve had with friends of White Space, the stories of our artists we’ve shared with everyone and the long journey that we have taken thus far immensely shaped our gallery’s philosophy and direction. Like Jia Youfu’s stoic oxherd who scales the perilous mountain, we shall continue to overcome our uphill battles with the same rugged spirit of resistance.
This year marks our 8th birthday, and as we settle into our new home at Tiong Bahru, we want to thank everyone for your continued support throughout the tumultuous 2020. Here’s to another year worth celebrating!
Happy Year of the Ox, everyone!
With love,
The White Space Team
Artwork: Jia Youfu – Rosy Clouds, 67x139cm, Chinese Ink on Paper